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January 03, 2007

Maternal Instinct

One of the things I was afraid of when I found out I was going to be a mom was falling. Ok, maybe it sounds silly, but I mean, there you are, carrying your baby and you trip and fall. That's a long way down for the baby. And it's instinct when you're falling to use your arms to break your fall, right? If I fell, would I drop my baby?

Yes, these are the things I worry about.

Cut to today. Dylan had a doctor's appointment for his second flu shot. I picked him up out of his carseat and took a step to the side, out the door. My foot hit the curb and slipped off it, knocking me off balance. Not only was I falling, but Dylan was in front of me!!! I didn't think. Seriously, nothing was going through my mind. I wasn't thinking, "I must protect my baby," or anything like that. Ok, maybe I was thinking, "Oh shit!" but that's about it. I guess what I'm trying to say is there was no thought process that caused what happened next. I didn't decide to do it. I didn't choose to do it. It just happened.

Not only did I not drop my baby, but somehow, by a physical feat I'm still not sure how I did, I managed to twist myself so that I fell with Dylan on top of me. Not only that, but once I was down on the ground, I realized that my arms wrapped even tighter around him, completely protecting him. (Again, I would like to reiterate that I did not think to do this). Without my arms to brace me, I landed hard on my hip. (Luckily it is well padded). But I wasn't even thinking about that. I wanted to make sure Dylan was ok.

He looked at me with this little terrified expression on his face. I didn't think he was hurt - just scared - but I wasn't sure. So, ignoring the immense pain radiating from my hip, I put on a big smile and said, "Wheeeeeee!!" Dylan giggled. Thank God. He was alright.

I staggered to my feet. A mom drove up and said, "Are you alright?" I told her yeah, and she went on her way. I was alright - more shaken than anything else. I just, I don't know. It really amazed me how I just did that, without thinking. It may sound stupid, but it really made me feel like a mom. It was just one of those moments that afterwards, you're thinking about it, and you're just like, "wow!"

Posted by Terri at January 3, 2007 01:45 PM


I'm glad you guys are okay!

I did that when Sammy was about 4 months old - I tripped on the carpet walking into a crowded store and went flying. I managed to protect Sammy, but man, I did a number on my hip and kness!

Posted by: erika at January 3, 2007 03:20 PM

Glad that you both are ok (well, your hip probably has a pretty bruise). Very scary how instincts always kick in when you least expect them to.....

Posted by: Vizma at January 3, 2007 07:57 PM

*huggles* I'm glad you're ok, and I hope you're not too bruised. And I totally understand about fears like that.

Posted by: JunoMagic at January 8, 2007 07:29 AM

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