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January 05, 2002

Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring

i saw this movie quite a while ago, but being that the 2nd one is coming out on video soon and i haven't yet seen it, and i will review it when it comes out, i figured i'd put one up for this one too.

now when i first saw this movie, we went at 10pm, and being it was 3 hours, didn't get home til close to 2. it was still a great movie but i wasn't especially feeling the love. then we rented it once it came out. and aside from the fact that it is an awesome action-adventure type movie, with a little fantasy thrown in, there are 2 main resons why i love this movie: 1) viggo mortensen and 2) orlando bloom. i will discuss orlando bloom and why i should bear his children in detail in my review of pirates of the carribbean. viggo mortensen, i don't care if you're 45, you're hot. robert redford was like 70 before i didn't think he was hot anymore, and that's just because he got a face lift or something. so then darren goes to me "you know the baseball player you were drooling over in 28 days - that was viggo mortensen" so at least i'm consistent.

but the movie was great. yada yada. i didn't really like elijah wood before this movie, but i think he did a splendid job as frodo. ian mclellan was brilliant as always. agent smith was superb as lord elrond. liv tyler actually didn't look too bad in this movie. and she did a good job with her part, and even learned elvish for real. now that's dedication to your job.

you could tell the actors were really into their characters, and really loved the story, which always brings enjoyment to those of us watching. i actually began to read the books as a result (now that i could picture aragorn and legolas in my head...hee hee), and they're not as bad as i remembered them as a kid. they actually remind me a lot of CS Lewis which brings me to the question - when will Narnia grace the big screen? I know The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was a cartoon, but so was the Hobbit; so was Lord of the Rings. I remember the "where there's a whip, there's a way" song, which i believe it must have been the orcs singing, although they looked like pig-men. and they're making the last unicorn into a real-life movie. so when narnia?

and my final parting words. tom bombadil got the short end of the stick somehow. caring about having his likeness in a movie is probably beneath him, but they could have at least mentioned his name. don't fret tom...go on home...goldberry is waiting...

Posted by Terri at January 5, 2002 01:34 PM


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