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« Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring | Main | Chicago »

June 08, 2002

Buying the Cow

i hadn't heard of this movie until we passed by it in the video store. nothing else looked good, including all of the other movies on my list to see, and this one had van wilder in it, and he's pretty cute, so we rented it. it also had vern and ron livingston, both of whom are decent to look at, so i figured it couldn't be too bad. i didn't expect too much from it.

it was much better than i had imagined it would be. we spent most of the time laughing. it's not going to change the face of modern cinema or anything, but it's a very funny movie that you don't have to think too much about. and there is more male nudity in it than female, which always makes for a good time.

Posted by Terri at June 8, 2002 11:02 AM


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