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December 26, 2002

Catch Me if you Can

first of all, i want to say that immediately following titanic, i was absolutely in love with leonardo dicaprio (as was 99.9% of the female population of the whole world). i don't know what happened to him. i mean he's not ugly or anything, but i sure wouldn't jump off the butt end of a ship with him anymore.

but anyway, i digress from the movie. it was very entertaining. tom hanks has yet to put in a bad performance in any movie i've ever seen him in, and christopher walken is always funny to watch, although his eyes tend to creep me out. the movie kept me entertained, and moved at a good pace.

i especially did not like "dirty leo" with the long hair in jail. it's a movie, there is no need for the ugly.

again, i digress. it just bothers me that someone who had me wanting to run away to hollywood and stalk him ends up looking like that. oh well. the movie was good. go see it if you haven't already.

oh and leo..just kidding about the stalking...if you see me, i'm harmless...

Posted by Terri at December 26, 2002 11:33 AM


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