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December 26, 2002

Catch Me if you Can

first of all, i want to say that immediately following titanic, i was absolutely in love with leonardo dicaprio (as was 99.9% of the female population of the whole world). i don't know what happened to him. i mean he's not ugly or anything, but i sure wouldn't jump off the butt end of a ship with him anymore.

but anyway, i digress from the movie. it was very entertaining. tom hanks has yet to put in a bad performance in any movie i've ever seen him in, and christopher walken is always funny to watch, although his eyes tend to creep me out. the movie kept me entertained, and moved at a good pace.

i especially did not like "dirty leo" with the long hair in jail. it's a movie, there is no need for the ugly.

again, i digress. it just bothers me that someone who had me wanting to run away to hollywood and stalk him ends up looking like that. oh well. the movie was good. go see it if you haven't already.

oh and leo..just kidding about the stalking...if you see me, i'm harmless...

Posted by Terri at 11:33 AM | Comments (0)

June 26, 2002


let me just say, i saw chicago (on broadway) with bebe neuwirth, so there was no way catherine zeta-jones was living up to that. and now as i sit here and listen to the broadway cast, i'm thinking, the rest of them did pretty well. i mean, renee zellweger is no ann reinking, but i thought she was pretty amazing. richard gere came out and i rolled my eyes with the rest of the audience, but he proceeded to wow everyone. who knew he could sing? well, i guess the casting directors, right.

all in all, a very entertaining movie. and they stuck pretty closely to the broadway show, which made me happy. john c. reilly was great as amos hart, you really felt for him by the end. i don't think richard gere deserved the oscar snub, but who knows what the academy is ever thinking. i mean, they didn't nominate leo for titanic either, which blew my mind. so mr gere, you are in good company.

i completely understand now how it got the golden globe. it was most definitely one of the better movies i've seen lately

Posted by Terri at 11:34 AM | Comments (0)

June 08, 2002

Buying the Cow

i hadn't heard of this movie until we passed by it in the video store. nothing else looked good, including all of the other movies on my list to see, and this one had van wilder in it, and he's pretty cute, so we rented it. it also had vern and ron livingston, both of whom are decent to look at, so i figured it couldn't be too bad. i didn't expect too much from it.

it was much better than i had imagined it would be. we spent most of the time laughing. it's not going to change the face of modern cinema or anything, but it's a very funny movie that you don't have to think too much about. and there is more male nudity in it than female, which always makes for a good time.

Posted by Terri at 11:02 AM | Comments (0)

January 05, 2002

Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring

i saw this movie quite a while ago, but being that the 2nd one is coming out on video soon and i haven't yet seen it, and i will review it when it comes out, i figured i'd put one up for this one too.

now when i first saw this movie, we went at 10pm, and being it was 3 hours, didn't get home til close to 2. it was still a great movie but i wasn't especially feeling the love. then we rented it once it came out. and aside from the fact that it is an awesome action-adventure type movie, with a little fantasy thrown in, there are 2 main resons why i love this movie: 1) viggo mortensen and 2) orlando bloom. i will discuss orlando bloom and why i should bear his children in detail in my review of pirates of the carribbean. viggo mortensen, i don't care if you're 45, you're hot. robert redford was like 70 before i didn't think he was hot anymore, and that's just because he got a face lift or something. so then darren goes to me "you know the baseball player you were drooling over in 28 days - that was viggo mortensen" so at least i'm consistent.

but the movie was great. yada yada. i didn't really like elijah wood before this movie, but i think he did a splendid job as frodo. ian mclellan was brilliant as always. agent smith was superb as lord elrond. liv tyler actually didn't look too bad in this movie. and she did a good job with her part, and even learned elvish for real. now that's dedication to your job.

you could tell the actors were really into their characters, and really loved the story, which always brings enjoyment to those of us watching. i actually began to read the books as a result (now that i could picture aragorn and legolas in my head...hee hee), and they're not as bad as i remembered them as a kid. they actually remind me a lot of CS Lewis which brings me to the question - when will Narnia grace the big screen? I know The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was a cartoon, but so was the Hobbit; so was Lord of the Rings. I remember the "where there's a whip, there's a way" song, which i believe it must have been the orcs singing, although they looked like pig-men. and they're making the last unicorn into a real-life movie. so when narnia?

and my final parting words. tom bombadil got the short end of the stick somehow. caring about having his likeness in a movie is probably beneath him, but they could have at least mentioned his name. don't fret tom...go on home...goldberry is waiting...

Posted by Terri at 01:34 PM | Comments (0)