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February 07, 2003

Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers

ok - so my review for this movie has got to be twofold. because there is so much i want to say about the actual movie - the plot, the filming, the character devopment - and yet, there is so much i want to say about the fact that there are four - count them four - beautiful men in this movie.

lets start with the movie. as the second part of a trilogy i expected dark, but it was not as dismal and depressing as, say, empire strikes back. at the end of the movie, you are filled with apprehension, but not the feeling of defeat. (yes we know the good guys always win, but how depressing was it when lukes hand got cut off, han solo was frozen in carbonite, and leia lost her danishes). ok so i know it's become cliche to compare this to star wars, but i just wanted a point of reference that everybody knows. and if you don't know star wars, get out from under your rock.

but, as usual, i digress. after seeing the first installment, i did read the trillogy of books by j.r.r. tolkien. so although i had no point of reference while watching the first movie, i had already read the book when i watched this one. i was a bit afraid that it would not live up to the book, as movies have a hard time doing so, but it was every bit as wonderful as i could have imagined. they obviously had to cut a lot of scenes out, but i was glad to see that in the "special edition dvd" they will be putting some of that back. all of the actors did a bang-up job and i have to give props to the crew too, because the cinematography was wonderful.

so now i get to my favorite part. the men. :) i don't believe i have ever seen another movie with so many beautiful men. (i'm sure there's one out there - i just haven't seen it). for those of you who are not red-blooded females, the men i am referring to are viggo mortensen (aragorn), orlando bloom (legolas), karl urban (eomer) and david wenham (faramir). i felt like a kid in a candy shop. i'm getting completely spoiled. i used to get excited when there were two hot guys in a movie - now i'm saying "oh - only two? pity."

i would gladly take home any of these guys. i almost didn't know where to look when they were in the riddermark and the three of them were all there. oh i sound like i'm 13 again. look at what they reduce me to. so i guess i will end this with a message to hollywood execs: more hot men in movies please. and here's my message to peter jackson and whoever casted lord of the rings: superb job!

Posted by Terri at February 7, 2003 01:35 PM


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