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« Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers | Main | Cocktail »

March 09, 2003

Bringing Down the House

two words - skip it.

i like queen latifa. i think she is very funny. somehow, she fell flat in this movie. (imagine that - someone referring to her as flat - ha!) but anyway - it just wasn't funny. i can't tell you why - i can't tell you how - because steve martin is usually in decent movies too. and i fought with darren to see this movie and yet again, he was right. the only reason this movie was not a complete and total waste of my time was because i gave myself a manicure while watching it.

the only funny parts were when the stuffy rich old lady was stoned. the rest was kind of ho-hum. totally predictable. yes, he gets back with his wife at the end. and gives up his big-deal law job to open a private practice. wait. i think i saw this one already. it was called liar liar and jim carrey was much funnier.

so if you are dying to see this movie, rent it, but make sure you have something else to do to occupy your time (and your mind) while watching it.

Posted by Terri at March 9, 2003 11:01 AM


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