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June 03, 2003

The Core

ok, be honest. who all wanted to see another "end of the world" movie. i thought we were done with those after deep impact and armageddon. alright. i actually did. i saw the previews and i wanted to see this movie. i'll admit it. it looked good. and when we finally got around to renting it, i was not disappointed.

yes, maybe some (some-all) parts were a little predictable. and we all know that sfx people love to blow stuff up gratuitously, but the movie had a cool story to go along with it. i don't know how plausable it was, but give me a break, it's sci fi.

so anyway, characters, hilary swank is a co-pilot, or whatever the astronaut version of that is, who is the youngest person in space, but is not getting her chance to be a leader. enter captain/pilot actor-i-don't-know, which, sorry buddy, probably means you are going to die. he dispenses some advice about how you can't be a good leader until you fail at something. ok now you are definitely going to die, because that means she is going to fail and then be a leader. sorry. go buy the plot now, it will be cheaper.

then there is the harvard professor who figures out this whole thing because some people with pacemakers died and some birds had a hissy. man i wish i was that smart. he's like the macgyver of figuring things out. honestly, the fact that he knew that all the people that died had pacemakers and that this was connected to the birds was just creepy. nobody is that smart. and if you are that smart, why aren't you figuring out important things like how to fix this crappy economy.

again, digress. so then there's the french guy. not gerard depardeux (however you spell it), but the other french guy that's in everything. he's got 2 kids and a wife. i'll just sign the death certificate now. oh right, and he's the only one that really knows how to work the nukes that's going to save the planet. yeah. you're done for.

enter the scientist-cum-politician? stanley tucci. you're an ass and you smoke. you're going to die.

big black man who designed the ship. his life's dream was to see his plans for this ship realized. yeah. guess what. you're dead too.

so just how predictable was this movie? well, obviously they have to go into the center of the earth. and obviously since mr-harvard-teacher and ms swank have want-to-get-it-on vibes since moment 1 they are going to survive. but just so that we don't think the mission was too easy, they have to kill everyone else off. and as an example of predictability - they were in a giant geode in the mantle of the earth (for those of you who don't know what that is - go back to 2nd grade science). they were going on about how inpenetrable a geode is and that is why the magma is not getting in. i turn and say "yes, but they're inside it now, so there's a hole. the magma is going start coming in" and no sooner did i say that but plop - magma. yeah i'm good.

but still, if you can get over the predictability, it was a good movie. i would recommend it.

Posted by Terri at June 3, 2003 11:37 AM


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