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August 10, 2003

The Good Girl

let me start off by saying that i like jennifer aniston. i also think john c. reilly is pretty funny. that being said i would like to quote darren about this movie in saying "well there's two hours of my life i'll never get back"

in a word...terrible! first of all - real life sucks enough. i don't want to watch a movie about people whose lives basically suck, you know? ok i know that something bad (conflict) has to happen to the main character in order to create a plot, but that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about lives that just really really suck. jennifer aniston is a store clerk who is married to john c. reilley who is a painter and is always stoned with his painter friend. she meets another clerk, who is played by some new guy in hollywood who is supposed to be the next best thing, but he's not all that good looking. she sleeps with him, then sleeps with the husband's painter friend then her clerk friend gratuitously dies, then her boy toy kills himself and she's pregnant and her husband is infertile. (do the math) luckily he's stupid enough NOT to do the math, and they live, well, just-as-miserably-as-before ever after.

darren is no longer allowed to pick movies.

Posted by Terri at August 10, 2003 11:40 AM


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