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September 09, 2003

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

yo ho yo ho a pirates' life for me...

i'm so glad they made a movie of my favorite ride of all time. i really didn't think this movie was going to be much of anything except eye candy, which is the only reason i went. i mean, what kind of a movie is based on a ride. it's bad enough when they base them on books, let alone a ride...

but i was wrong. yes there was some pretty nice eye candy. johnny depp was never my type, but you can't deny his good looks. and orlando bloom. oh my goodness i'm feeling flushed. let me sit down for a second. ok orli - when will you come to your senses and let me bear your children? you are 4 months younger than me, and as an older and wiser person i'm telling you, you don't want any of those hollywood types. you want ME.

back to the movie. the eye candy was not all male. keira whats-her-face looked pretty good in this movie (according to darren). not the same person as that beckham movie. not at all. and i'm pretty sure the sparks flew between her and orlando, but i'm not sure. that may have been the sparks that were flying between him and me.

but i digress again. the movie was great. i love pirates, but even if you don't there's plenty of humour and swordfighting and cleavage to suit your fancy. johnny depp absolutely made this movie (i'm sorry orli). he was hysterical as captain jack sparrow. hysterical. he had a certain flourish about him that at times was so completely obsurd you just had to laugh. ("it's 'captain' - 'captain jack sparrow'). and some times he was so out of touch with the reality of the situation, you just had to laugh ("yes, but why the rum??") i loved him in this movie. if i wasn't laughing at him, i was swooning over orlando bloom, who, admittedly, was completely overshadowed by the enormous character of depp. but he is young yet. johnny has years of experience under his belt. and he is truly an amazing actor. he definitly has found his niche with the characters and roles he's been picking lately.

so as a final note - go see this movie. get over the fact that it's based on a ride at disney. take that out of the equasion - it's a great movie. lots of fun. and if you like the ride, you'll be very happy to see scenes from the ride in the movie. if you think it's stupid to make a movie based on a ride - i didn't just say that.

Posted by Terri at September 9, 2003 01:37 PM


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