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July 26, 2004

Spiderman 2

♪Spiderman... spiderman… la la la la spider can...♪

well, that was more exciting than the movie…

I suppose I should start this review at the beginning. The beginning was actually good – the credits that is. While they rolled the opening credits, they showed comic book-esque scenes from the first movie. That was a really nice touch.

It went downhill from there.

The movie started out slow, to say the least. Peter Parker is a screw up. Ok we get it. Being spiderman is messing up his “normal” life. Ok we get it. Hello! *tap tap* is this thing on? I said we get it! Assuming your audience is a bunch of morons who don’t understand a concept unless you repeatedly ram it down their throats is not a way to endear them to your movie.

Ok, moving along. Moving right along (unlike the movie). After what felt like 5 years, the examples of how much being spiderman is causing young Petey’s life to go down the crapper finally came to an end. Enter Kirsten Dunst with red hair - Mary Jane, whose name gets me every time.

Summary version of their relationship: She loves Peter. Peter loves her. Spiderman is screwing it up. Wow. we’ve really deviated from the theme of the first ½ hour now, haven’t we?

Of course, the movie doesn’t do it in summary version, but rather in long-winded, angst-filled, over-dramatic version. I think there was an action movie in there somewhere. Excuse me; has anybody seen my action movie? I seem to have misplaced it in this romance/drama chik-flik. Anybody? Bueller?

Now, let’s get one thing straight. I am all about romance in movies. I love romance in movies. But seriously, can we tone down the “when harry met sally” and tone up “spiderman.” Please?

And then there was doc oc. I have nothing against big people, but a chunky octopus was not nearly as frightening as Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin in the last movie. I mean, he actually looked like he could fight spiderman, and wouldn’t just give up and go have a donut. And then doc oc turned out to be good in the end. I hate it when they make the bad guys turn good. The only villain that has ever pulled this off and didn’t piss me off by turning into a complete sissy in the process was darth vader. If you’re bad, be bad. Be true to yourself! Don’t change to conform to what society has deemed to be good.

To top it all off, Spiderman took off his mask. I need say nothing more about this for the appallingness of the action speaks for itself.

I give this movie 1 ½ stars: ½ for the opening credits, 1 for James Franco who is a cutie. But of course, they are making him into the Green Goblin for the next film, so I’m supposing they’re going to kill him off, losing the only good thing this movie had going for it.

Posted by Terri at July 26, 2004 04:37 PM


First things first, you are right, the opening credits where incredible, best ones i've seen since the first scrolling yellow text.

The romance isn't played up so much in the comic as it is in this movie. I don't understand the need to play it up so much for the movies, but thats the director.

The should just stop right now with this crap. We saw where Batman led to (Batman meets the E.R.) so before it gets any more out of hand, STOP IT NOW!!

Oh yea, funny song in the beginning...LALALALA

Posted by: Darren at July 27, 2004 03:00 PM

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