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July 26, 2004

Spiderman 2

♪Spiderman... spiderman… la la la la spider can...♪

well, that was more exciting than the movie…

I suppose I should start this review at the beginning. The beginning was actually good – the credits that is. While they rolled the opening credits, they showed comic book-esque scenes from the first movie. That was a really nice touch.

It went downhill from there.

Read more of the review for "Spiderman 2"

Posted by Terri at 04:37 PM | Comments (1)

July 14, 2004


Ah, where to begin?

I went into this movie with high hopes for several reasons, not least of which was the cast of hunky men. Add to that the fact that the Iliad is an amazing story, and I was expecting a thoroughly pleasurable experience.

Boy, was I wrong.

Read more of the review for "Troy"

Posted by Terri at 10:24 AM | Comments (2)

January 08, 2004

Lord of the Rings - Return of the King

*** warning - there will be spoilers, so if you don't want to know what happens, don't read.

where to begin? i had eagerly awaited this movie since the end credits rolled of the two towers. i would have been at the theater tuesday at midnight had i not been on call for work. so wednesday evening, i bought tickets and we went to see it.

Read more of the review for "Lord of the Rings - Return of the King"

Posted by Terri at 10:31 AM | Comments (0)

November 22, 2003


i would like to address the following comment to the woman in the movie:

you stupid, stupid woman. first of all, if i were going to cheat on my husband and risk ruining my marriage, it would be with someone way more attractive than dirty city book boy. second, if my husband were richard gere, well, then all bets are off, you know? what are you nuts? your husband is richard gere. and it's not like they made him out to be an ass. i don't get it! why would you cheat on richard gere with d.c.b.b.? i don't get it at all!

but the movie (other than the uncomprehensible choosing to sleep with d.c.b.b instead of richard gere) was rather good. i liked. except the end. it kind of left it up in the air. i know there was the theme of the decisions you make (like her taking the cab vs going up with d.c.b.b) effecting your life, and you're left to decide which decision they make, but for crying out loud, it's a movie, you know? i have enough of my own decisions to make in real life. spell it out for me in the movies!

and don't cheat on richard gere.

Posted by Terri at 01:40 PM | Comments (0)

November 11, 2003


two words - mel gibson

ok but about the movie. oh forget the movie - mel gibson was in it - go rent it. i know he's like old enough to be my father, but who cares. he's mel gibson.

one word of advice. if you did not like the sixth sense and unbreakable, do not rent this movie. i thought it was very good (mel gibson), but it was weird (twisty-weird) like those two movies. and i thought it was much more religious than sci-fi. but i got over it because, well, mel gibson, you know?

Posted by Terri at 01:39 PM | Comments (0)

November 04, 2003

The Hot Chick

i really had high hopes for this movie. silly me. i don't know...maybe it was the fact that we had just finished power hour and ten minutes. maybe it was the fact that it came after jackass and super troopers which were both hysterical. but this movie was BAD! like stick-myself-in-the-eye-with-a-pencil bad. or slit-my-wrists-to-put-me-out-of-my-misery bad.

that's all i have to say about the movie.

Posted by Terri at 01:32 PM | Comments (0)

September 09, 2003

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

yo ho yo ho a pirates' life for me...

i'm so glad they made a movie of my favorite ride of all time. i really didn't think this movie was going to be much of anything except eye candy, which is the only reason i went. i mean, what kind of a movie is based on a ride. it's bad enough when they base them on books, let alone a ride...

Read more of the review for "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"

Posted by Terri at 01:37 PM | Comments (0)

September 01, 2003

Finding Nemo

four words. go see this movie. --- go! right now! stop reading and go.
ok, you don't listen to me. or maybe you've already seen the movie. it was superb. pixar is the new disney. ok. technically pixar is disney i guess, but whatever. and can i just say that i love ellen degeneres. and i mean that in a completely heterosexual platonic way. she was hysterical in this movie. take her forgetful fish alter-ego and add a couple of sharks that are "on the wagon" (that would be the non-fish-eating-wagon), and a totally stoked turtle dude, and you have one hell of a movie. well, the cliff clavin school of fish was pretty good too. i think someone at pixar has a thing for him, he keeps ending up in their movies.

i usually go for the movies with at least 1 hot guy (2 being the most recent trend), but for not having any eye candy, this movie was still wonderful.

Posted by Terri at 11:38 AM | Comments (0)

August 10, 2003

The Good Girl

let me start off by saying that i like jennifer aniston. i also think john c. reilly is pretty funny. that being said i would like to quote darren about this movie in saying "well there's two hours of my life i'll never get back"

in a word...terrible! first of all - real life sucks enough. i don't want to watch a movie about people whose lives basically suck, you know? ok i know that something bad (conflict) has to happen to the main character in order to create a plot, but that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about lives that just really really suck. jennifer aniston is a store clerk who is married to john c. reilley who is a painter and is always stoned with his painter friend. she meets another clerk, who is played by some new guy in hollywood who is supposed to be the next best thing, but he's not all that good looking. she sleeps with him, then sleeps with the husband's painter friend then her clerk friend gratuitously dies, then her boy toy kills himself and she's pregnant and her husband is infertile. (do the math) luckily he's stupid enough NOT to do the math, and they live, well, just-as-miserably-as-before ever after.

darren is no longer allowed to pick movies.

Posted by Terri at 11:40 AM | Comments (0)

August 03, 2003

Ghost Ship

for all of you that are laughing at me right now for watching this movie (ha - i say that as if i am delusional enough to think that people read this), shut up. i did not rent it because i thought it was going to be an inspired piece of cinema. i rented for one reason and one reason alone - karl urban.

for those of you that missed my glowing review of lord of the rings - the two towers, you are probably unaware of my .. um .. deep admiration for the acting abilities of mr urban. ok - i'll get real. he's pretty. i rented ghost ship because karl urban is pretty. get over it.

i was afraid it was going to be scary. it was not scary. so if you are looking for a scary movie, this is not it. and for me to say a movie is not scary, it's pretty tame. how tame? lets just say that i had nightmares after harry potter. that's right. harry potter. shut up.

and karl urban's character lived until almost the end, so that was good, because if he had been killed off in the beginning i would have been rather upset.

but i'm kind of torn on the storyline. it was a ghost story (duh), but it was a stretch even for a ghost story. and it left it open-ended (one of my main problems with scary movies). i don't want to recommend it, because i don't want to be responsible for people wasting their time, but if you have nothing else to rent, go for it. i will give it that it was intriguing. when you found out the deal with what was going on, it was kind of like "aaaaaah - now it all makes sense!" plus. karl urban is pretty.

Posted by Terri at 11:39 AM | Comments (0)