The NEW 1st Quarter 2011 challenges are here!
Good luck to all! Be creative and have FUN!



Select one of the following five challenges and write a story of up to 1,500 words that begins with the words of that challenge.


1. A powerful fury flashed through his eyes and Anna saw his jaw clench even tighter. For a moment, she feared to breathe until...


2. This is no time for reflection; it is too late to repent...


3. She gives me a caustic smile. One day I will smite that look from her face...


4. The tall stranger approached the innermost sanctum of the city. His clothing was exotic and not recognizable to the people...


5. "I wondered when you would come." She said as he embraced her. "I heard of the shipwreck and feared the worst."


(Names, tense and gender can be changed; other than that, the stories must begin with the exact wording above. For example, you could use "A powerful fury flashes..." or "He gives me a caustic smile..." or "...I saw his jaw clench even tighter...")


OR, select one of the two scenarios below and write a story of up to 1,500 words that incorporates that scenario.


6. Write a story about mistaken identity, either humorous or serious.


7. For the new year, we are going to try something new. Write a story in the form of a narrative poem. (Think "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge or "The Walrus and the Carpenter" by Carroll). The most important thing here is that it tells a story within the rhyming structure of the poem.




As in previous Abbey Hill Literary challenges, your contest entry must begin with the exact words of one of the opening lines, numbered 1 through 5 above, OR it must fit within one of the two scenarios, numbered 6 and 7, above.


If your opening words for a story are not exactly as shown in Challenges 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, OR your story line does not fit within Challenges 6 or 7, your story will be disqualified, discarded, and entry fee forfeited.


Any story exceeding 1,500 words (not including author bio, story title and byline) will also be disqualified, discarded, and entry fee forfeited. Abbey Hill Literary uses the MS Word count function to determine number of words.


You may enter just one, or as many stories into the contest as you wish, but a separate entry fee of $10.00 is required for each individual story entered.  If you wish to receive a critique of your story, a total entry fee of $20.00 (which includes one entry fee and one critique) is required. Stories received without entry fee will be discarded without being read or evaluated.