Original Song: Someone Else's Story from Chess

The original song is absolutely beautiful, and gives me chills whenever I hear it. Please don't judge it by the lyrics I have put to it.


I have put
In someone else's story
Someone with my name
Who looks a lot like me
And she might
Meet a man and make him love her
She'd only have to smile
And in love he would be
Although she's fallen into his world
I promise she is still just a frightened little girl
And yet I wonder is it so?
Due to canon should she go?

In every way
It's someone else's story
But I still wrote myself
As taking part of it
An author I am fond of
Finally made me
Realize what I did
I realized while trying to write
A story in another author's world that despite
The fact I hold him in high regard
His beautiful world I have marred.

It's all very well to say "you fool you're so not clever".
And "you should be writing
No stories whatsoever".

But I can write
In someone else's story
Of a character's life
And they could still be mine
I don't see
A reason not to write here
If I can stay in canon
Everything would be fine
And if
I make sure that my writing is good
Spelling, punctuation, and style, if you would,
And last,
And this part is the key,
The story will be nice to read
As long as the girl isn't me.


This may see hypocritical coming from someone who has written a story that most definitely could be considered a Mary Sue, but it is true to how I feel. It is extraordinary fun to write in someone else's story, in someone else's world that I love so much, with characters that I simply adore. But on the flip side, there is that remorse that I feel for screwing around with something that is so wonderful, and so not mine.

The first stanza was written somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The second stanza is completely true. It was not the numerous Mary Sue parodies that made me question what I was doing. Most of them are more poorly written than my own story. It was through reading truly brilliant stories that seem to co-exist peaceably in the canon world, instead of harshly introducing something foreign to it, that made me take a step back and evaluate.

And lastly, the final stanza is the conclusion I eventually came to. Mary Sues are not inherently evil, no more so than any character in any original story. As long as they are well written, three dimensional, believable characters that you can connect with, and not blatant self-insertions, they actually can be enjoyable.

This has been therapeutic, writing this song-fic. Thank you for being a part of my rehabilitation. And now I must go return to my girls and make sure they're not wreaking too much havoc on the canon worlds that they are in.
