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Captain of the Guard
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:, Open Scrolls,, SoA, HASA, TTR, CoE
Status: Complete
Mirkwood's prisons are considered impenetrable. Yet in the span of 60 years, 13 dwarves, a hobbit and Gollum all escaped. Couldn't the captain of the guard during these two incidents also have been the elf to bear the news to Rivendell?

"a wonderful story!"
"Nice gap-filler"
"Very enjoyable!"
"Wonderful characterization."

The Shadow Within
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:, Open Scrolls,, SoA
Status: Complete
Thranduil receives a disturbing letter from an unlikely source. What possible cause could the King of the Green Wood have to travel at a moment’s notice to Ithilien to visit with his son?

"Very touching."
"Thranduil's perspective gives a refreshing twist"
"an EXCELLENT story!"


Arandil, Princess of Mirkwood
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:
Status: WIP
We've all seen the girl-falls-into-middle-earth story. But what happens when she's unexpectedly accompanied by...her husband? Humor. Not Mary-Sue bashing.

"funny! funny! very funny! more funny!"
"You should put a "read with no liquid in your mouth"-warning on this!"
"I couldn't stop laughing"
"beyond hialrious"

Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:
Status: Complete
Sometimes even the most beautiful creatures can not capture the heart of the man...elf...they love. Rated PG for now.

"one cool piece of writing!"
"Great story"
"a true delight to read"

Morgoth's Notebook
Fanfiction: Simarillion
Posted at:,, HASA
Status: Complete
Found in the ruins of what was once Angband. The original Dark Lord had quite the knack for badfic writing (and apparently a little “thing” for Fëanor). This is his notebook of ideas. Read at your own risk.

"one of the GREATEST parodies I've ever read"
"The ending was great."

Fanfiction: Star Wars
Posted at:
Status: WIP
What happens when a girl's world is destroyed, literally? Why, she seeks revenge. And along the way, despite herself, she unexpectedly finds friendship and happiness.

"great stuff"
"I love your natural writing style"
"completely orginal, and yet believable, characters"

Stranger Things
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:
Status: Complete
Carrie was as normal a girl as you could find in the modern age. That was until she met, yup, you guessed it, the most unlikely of people.

"enjoyable to read"
"one of the best i've ever read!"
"Beautifully written"
"an amazingly awesome story"
"truly amazing and moving!"
"Carrie is such a wonderful character"