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Posted at: fictionpress
Status: Complete
Hell hath no fury like a writer scorned

Posted at: fictionpress
Status: Complete
In life, there are no do-overs

Posted at: fictionpress
Status: Complete
Sometimes isn't always, but sometimes is a lot.

"so sad(but good)"


Arandil's Drabbles
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:
Status: WIP
Drabbles are small nuggets of fiction that are exactly 100 words in length. Here is my collection of them.

"excellent job of creating the mood"
"capture very small spaces in time well"
"Pretty impressive for only 100 words!"

Old Angband
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at: HASA
Status: Complete
Say what you will about him, at the end of the day, Morgoth has been a busy little worker-bee. Doesn't the first Dark Lord deserve a drinking song as much as the next guy? For the "I'll Drink To That" Challenge.

"absolutely hilarious!"
"a breath of fresh air"
"Very clever!!"

The Forest of Mirkwood
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at: HASA
Status: Complete
How would one describe Mirkwood? It all depends on your point of view. Written (a little too late) for the HASA "Tale By Any Other Name" Challenge. The author's style that I ripped off should be fairly apparent.

"Very clever and witty."
"Very, very funny."


Ethereal World
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at: HASA
Status: Complete
Legolas reflects on the attention he’s been getting from female fans - Written for the International Legolas Month Song Parody Palooza Challenge. To the tune of Madonna's "Material Girl"

The Forceful Affection
Fanfiction: Harry Potter
Posted at:
Status: Complete
Parody on "The Rainbow Connection"

"a joy to read"

HMS Legolas
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at: HASA
Status: Complete
Filk in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan. For the International Legolas Month Song Parody Palooza. I think I may have gotten a little carried away... This could become an obsession habit.

Ring Pie
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at:
Status: Complete
I am just so very bored at work. This is what happens. I start singing a song and then voila! A crappy parody.

"the best parody version of that song i've heared for a good long while"
"Great stuff"

Someone Else's Story
Fanfiction: General/Song Parody
Posted at: right here
Status: Complete
Can you write an OFC without turning her evil? This ponders that question.

Who Makes Us Smile
Fanfiction: LotR
Posted at: HASA
Status: Complete
For the International Legolas Month Song Parody Palooza Challenge. Guest appearances by some esteemed HASA Legolas Writers. Based on "You're Never Fully Dressed..." from the Broadway Show "Annie"